How To Install Datapacks

Learn a quick and easy way to install datapacks with Minecraft commands to enhance your world.

Step 1. Download a datapack. Whether its from a youtube video, download link, or website, you need to first choose which Minecraft datapack you want to download.

Step 2. Choose a Minecraft world. Open up Minecraft and choose a singleplayer world you want to add the datapack to. Select that world, and click the "Edit" button at the bottom of the screen. Then click the "Open World Folder" button to open up that world's folder. In there you will notice that there is a folder called "Datapacks" which is empty.

Step 3. Move the datapack. Just drag the datapack you downloaded into the empty "Datpacks" folder you just opened in the previous step.

Step 4. Reload your Minecraft world. Open up the world you just installed the datapack on, and type "/reload" in chat. That's it! The datapack is successfully installed.


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